Your support makes a difference

Contribute to your community and our growing support network.  Please complete your donation below.  Tax receipts are available for all donations.

Donate funds

Canada Helps; giving made simple

You can support Wellkin and the work we do to foster caring, health communities for children and families in Oxford and Elgin counties. Consider donating to the agency’s greatest area of need or support the delivery of one of our programs generally with a financial contribution.

Click here to visit our Canada Helps donation page


Donate a car

Donate a Car Canada

We have registered with Donate a Car Canada, through which you can donate a car to and Wellkin receives the proceeds in exchange for an official tax receipt.

Click here to visit our Donate a Car Canada donation page

Help children, youth, and families

You can support Wellkin and the work we do to foster caring, health communities for children and families in Oxford and Elgin counties. Consider donating to the agency’s greatest area of need or support the delivery of one of our programs generally with a financial contribution.

Make a financial contribution

The greatest area of need

Donated funds are particularly helpful for children and youth with limited access to transportation. Your contribution of $25 could provide transportation for children or youth to and from one of our agency locations, helping them access much-needed Wellkin programs and services.

Give $25. Give Access.