St. Thomas Youth Awards


St. Thomas Youth Awards

Click here to download a nomination form

The Community Action Network-Youth Engagement Sub-committee (CAN YES) is extending its request for submissions from the community to recognize youth that contribute to the health and well-being of our community through their unique qualities. If you know of a youth that demonstrates leadership, dedication, innovation and/or creativity please consider completing an application to have them recognized!

Selection Criteria

  • The youth being nominated must be:
    • Between the ages of 13-30
    • A resident of St. Thomas

Selection Criteria

  • The youth being nominated possesses special or unique qualities that has made a difference in the community that may include but are not limited to:
    • Leadership
    • Dedication
    • Innovation
    • Creativity

Selection Process

  • Individuals, organizations and peers can nominate youth who meet the above criteria by completing the nomination form and submitting the completed form by March 31, 2021 at noon.
  • A selection committee consisting of community members and leaders will review each nomination and select the recipients.
  • All decisions made by the selection committee are final.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will only be accepted when completed on the official nomination form.
  • Completed forms can be submitted as follows:
    • Email:
    • For inquires call Jenny Sager, Youth Housing Based Case Manager, 226-545-0811

Recognition Process

  • Youth selected to be recipients of the Youth Award will be notified in writing and will be invited to attend a St. Thomas City council meeting in April 2021 where they will be presented with their awards.

Click here to download a nomination form