Program Description
The Day Treatment Program is designed to provide a treatment alternative for children with long- standing behavioural and emotional difficulties who struggle to function successfully in a regular classroom setting or other alternative programs. In Wellkin’s Day Treatment program, we integrate academics and social skill development through various treatment options.
Program Goals
- We focus on the strengths of each child;
- We teach adaptive and coping skills to improve social interactions;
- We promote self-esteem and build self-confidence;
- We teach strategies to manage feelings;
- We help parents to understand their child(ren); and
- We support the child(ren), their family, and the home school in the re-entry process into the regular school system.
Eligibility Criteria
Who we serve:
- Child(ren) in grade 4-6;
- Family must reside in either Oxford or Elgin County;
- Enrolled in and attending full days in a school in either the Thames Valley District School Board or London Catholic District School Board;
- Children or youth with long-standing behavioural or emotional difficulties who are unable to function successfully in regular classrooms or alternative educational programs; and
- Parents/caregivers that are willing and able to actively participate in mental health services offered through the Day Treatment program.
Who we do not serve:
- Children whose primary diagnoses is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
- Children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Referral and Intake Process
- Referrals can be initiated by the Thames Valley District School Board, London District Catholic School Board, internal Wellkin Team members, community partners, or physicians.
- The referral process is conducted through the Community Services Coordination Network (CSCN). The Intake Package can be accessed on their website and must be completed along with a signed consent for the Local Resolution Table to consider the request for a Day Treatment consultation at Wellkin.
- Day Treatment services are intended for children and youth with significant emotional and behavioural needs, that cannot be met through a regular academic placement. Placing a child or youth in the Day Treatment program is reserved for those children and youth who have been provided with all other less intrusive, available therapeutic interventions. The CSCN Local Resolution Committee works to ensure that all other less intrusive therapeutic interventions have been sufficiently tried and exhausted prior to consideration of admission to the Day Treatment program.
- Prior to the CSCN Local Resolution Committee meeting regarding appropriateness of the recommendation to the program, the referring party or designate will obtain information on prior assessments, current and past mental health services and consult with any relevant collaterals regarding recommendations and current needs. The designated school representative will identify whether any supports within the school setting have been accessed or will be provided through their current academic placement. If any further information is needed after the conclusion of the CSCN Local Resolution Committee meeting, the Wellkin Program Manager will be responsible for its collection through either the family, referring party or, school personnel.
- The CSCN Local Resolution Committee determines the appropriateness of the referral in the program, based on the information presented. Once the acceptance to the program is confirmed by the Wellkin internal staff, an orientation/information meeting with the family is scheduled with the child/youth and parents/caregivers to explain the program expectations, and to provide further information on risks/benefits and consents for service and confidentiality forms.
- If the criteria for Day Treatment services are not met or the child/youth and/or parents/caregivers declines the placement, the CSCN coordinator may be contacted to assist with obtaining other appropriate services and supports. Wellkin supports will also be considered where appropriate.
- If in agreement that the Day Treatment program is a fit, the family will be connected prior to Intake to the Day Treatment Therapist who will conduct assessments and will support the family in accessing any other services in the community or within Wellkin that may be needed.
- The formal Intake meeting may be scheduled with the referring school staff if updated information is needed. A start date will be coordinated by the Wellkin team and the family. During the meeting the child/youth and parent/caregivers will be given a tour of the facility when possible, introduced to the onsite school teacher, and Day Treatment staff.