Respite Services

Respite is a flexible, periodic, short-term break from caregiving, for the purpose of rest and renewal for the family.

Program Goals

  • Respite services provide the caregiver(s) of an individual with an exceptional need some time away from the caregiver responsibilities.
  • Respite services also support the wellbeing of the caregiver(s), the individual, as well as the family system.

Eligibility Criteria

  • In Oxford County, self-directed respite funding is available to qualified families caring for a child/youth with a Developmental Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Documentation confirming the diagnosis (i.e. assessment report).
  • The child/youth must reside in Oxford County.
  • The child/youth must be 17 years of age or younger.

Exclusionary Criteria

  • Respite is not for the purpose of childcare while working, or treatment and is not to be used as a substitute for another necessary service or support.

Referral Process

  • Respite funding is provided to Wellkin, by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and all funding approvals and allocations are determined through the Oxford Respite Network.
  • The level and length of respite services will be determined based on the demonstrated need of the child/youth/family, as well as available resources.
  • To confirm eligibility and proceed with completing the referral package, please contact the Respite Coordinator, Penny Sim, via email at or by calling 1-877-539-0463, extension 230.